Three Restaurants Mobile App Case Study

Project Title and Brief Overview

Three Restaurants Mobile App - A mobile application designed for making reservations, viewing special menus, and accessing information about three different restaurants.

Tools Used in Project

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Project Objective / Challenge

The objective was to develop a user-friendly mobile app allowing users to make reservations, view special menus, and access information about three distinct restaurants.

About the Project

The Three Restaurants Mobile App project aimed to enhance the dining experience by providing convenient reservation services and comprehensive restaurant information for three different establishments.

The Process for Creating the Project

The project involved conceptualizing user interface designs, developing frontend and backend components, integrating reservation systems, and testing for usability and functionality.

Project in Detail / Deliverable

The deliverable is a fully functional mobile app providing reservation capabilities, special menu views, and comprehensive restaurant information for three distinct restaurants.

Project Demo

Click on the link to view the project: Three Restaurants Mobile App Demo