Retail Rebranding Case Study

Project Title and Brief Overview

Retail Rebranding - A comprehensive rebranding project for a retail installation, including the creation of a new brand book.

Tools Used in Project

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator

Project Objective / Challenge

The objective was to revitalize the brand image of the retail installation, ensuring consistency and modernity across all brand elements.

About the Project

The Retail Rebranding project aimed to enhance the visual identity and customer perception of the retail installation through strategic rebranding efforts.

The Process for Creating the Project

The project involved conducting market research, defining brand guidelines, designing new brand assets, and compiling a comprehensive brand book.

Project in Detail / Deliverable

The deliverable includes a brand book outlining the new brand identity and associated assets for the retail installation.

Project Demo

View the brand book: Retail Brand Book (PDF)