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Custom Trailer Case Study

This project involved creating a custom trailer by combining the audio from the Suicide Squad trailer with clips from the Kung Fu Panda movies. The result is a unique and engaging trailer that blends the intense and dramatic tone of Suicide Squad with the animated action and humor of Kung Fu Panda.

Role, Project Specifications, and Deliverables


As the video editor and designer, my role involved selecting appropriate clips from Kung Fu Panda, synchronizing them with the Suicide Squad trailer audio, and creating a seamless and compelling trailer. This also included editing for timing, visual effects, and sound design.

Project Specifications

  • Select and edit video clips from Kung Fu Panda
  • Synchronize clips with Suicide Squad trailer audio
  • Create a cohesive and engaging trailer
  • Design and add visual effects


  • Custom Trailer Video
  • Edited Audio and Video Clips
  • Final Rendered Trailer
  • Project Files for Future Edits